This is a specialized made-to-order, custom item. All cakes are priced by size, not decorations. At check-out there is a note/comment box, you can enter the following questions there; click chat with me; or text me directly to discuss further, 301-802-2731.
1. Date needed
2. Flavors are: pumpkin, sweet pototo, apple, banana, blueberry, strawberry, carrot, carob, peanut butter, cheese, bacon, or any combination.
3. Colors / decorations, etc.
4. Pups name and age (please send me a picture for instragram and Facebook posting
Icing and all decorations are all-natural and organic powder, coloring with yogurt. Please notify of any dietary restrictions, etc.
10" or 12" round
custom shape
Cakes - size #3 (click dots below the main photo for more samples)
We do not add any additional preservatives. These bagels should be stored in a tightly sealed package in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, or in the freezer up to 3 months.